All characters are depicted as 18+, this game is strictly for ADULTS ONLY

The game runs very slow for me on anything but Firefox and Chrome, be advised it might have lag issues on other browsers

Created for the NSFW Minijam #7

Themes Used: Island, Cyberpunk, Bikini

An NSFW take on a classic casual game! When two balls of the same color collide, they will either destroy themselves or create a new, bigger orb that is worth more points. As your points increase, so too does your dates libido!

BUT WAIT- as you're trying to get lucky, these annoying glitches keep popping up and getting in your way, becoming more frequent and sticking around longer with every passing moment.  If you aren't careful, the little buggers will overrun your screen and totally cockblock you!

As the game progresses, your date should like you more (and be wearing less). If you impress her sufficiently, you might even get to tap that... do you have what it takes?


Left Mouse Button - Drop an orb, it will either be red, orange, or yellow

Right Mouse Button- Drop a bomb! Bombs destroy any glitch tile they touch on their way down!


All programming and pixel art by me, BadMovieKnight

All other art courtesy of AI P Gen, a free to use NSFW AI Art creator- I will be replacing all AI art with custom assets in the future

Music is "Digital Frontier (Modern)" by JDB Artist, used with permission

"Adult" sound effect provided by PE-13 Human Sounds from Pixabay

This project is not a commercial work and is being distributed for free


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(1 edit)

A neat experiment, but...
First off, something you're assuredly already aware of but the programming is kinda jank. There's times when two of the same ball are rubbing against eachother and shifting for 5 seconds straight without combining/destroying; and sometimes when balls combine it also spawns another ball up top for some reason? While the glitch squares are an interesting idea, they ultimately aren't very fun in a game style that's largely about precision. The ability to spam balls before they finish falling and the seeming lack of ability to die also holds the game back from being, well, a proper game

as stated before its a solo project and Im still fairly new, thank you for the feedback though, I do wish I couldve figured out how to fix some of those issues in time, currently the only way to lose is to allow too many glitches to spawn in, I want to continue to tweak and update it because I do think there might be something there

What's the rule for when orbs merge and when they annihilate?  It seems random, annihilating most of the time.  and sometimes the orbs will both increase in size (or two sizes!) then annihilate.

(1 edit)

it is indeed random, there's a 50/50 chance the orbs will go poof, otherwise they merge, its because I had a problem getting two of the same objects to collide properly(I'm still very new to gamedev), and just ran out of time to solve


AI? ):

Yes, unfortunately my drawing tablet died and I only had about a week to make the game from scratch. I did however do all the programming myself, every game I've made prior to this has been 100% custom made assets. 

Once I have access to a drawing tablet again I will return to doing everything myself- this is one of many reasons why I decided not to make a single penny off of this game.