Eli's Journey (WIP)
Made for CGA Jam 2024 under the following restrictions:
-Starting resolution is 160 x 144 with a 4-color palette
Note: The resolution has been quadrupled to 640 x 576 to make the screen easier to see on modern PCs, however the number of pixels on screen remains the same as on an original Game Boy.
Arrow Keys- Move
A- Shield (Blocks incoming projectiles, later it will push enemies back)
D- Sword
All art. coding and sound effects by myself, BadMovieKnight
Placeholder music is "Tutorial" by Josh Zimmerman, used with permission
There's not a lot to do yet, but I wanted to show off what I have so far, two types of enemies and an expansive starting area with several different regions including beaches, graveyards, cliffs, lakes, and forests.
hint- grass can but cut down, sometimes revealing health, or gold coins!
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Verry buggy, kept getting stuck on every corner i walked passed. Also it's gameboy colours so I don't think it fits CGA jam, but fun little game, the art is really nice and the music is alright :)
They do mention game boy resolution in the post, I suppose time will tell, thx for the review, im still a very new dev ☺️